Why have I not received a cross border payments message?

The message will not be sent, when:
  1. The debit or credit card is used in an EEA country where the currency is Euro. These countries are: Austria, Belgium, Republic of Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
  2. The debit or credit card is used to make a payment (point of sale or online) or an ATM withdrawal in a non-EEA currency, such as US Dollars, Sterling or Australian Dollars or for transactions in Euro.
  3. A Business debit or credit card is used. The CBPR notification will not be sent for any transactions made with a BOI business debit or credit card. The Terms and Conditions of the BOI business debit and credit cards have been updated to reflect this.
  4. A Debit Card or Credit Card transaction at an unattended physical location where there may be a delay before the funds are debited from your account.
  5. You are offered the option to make the withdrawal or payment in either Euro or the foreign currency and you choose Euro, Bank of Ireland will not send you a message. Certain retailers and ATMs will offer you the choice to have the transaction converted to Euro at the time of doing the transaction. As the conversion is done by the retailer or the ATM and not by Bank of Ireland a message will not be sent.

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