Wait time for replacement debit card

You will receive your replacement debit card within 5 to 7 working days of ordering it. We can replace your Visa Debit card if it is:

Once you receive it, you should activate your replacement Visa Debit card immediately.

Replacing your lost or stolen cards

You should act immediately if your card is lost or stolen. Once we cancel your card, your advisor can order a replacement card for you. Your advisor will ask you to confirm what has happened.

Tell your advisor what happened What we will do What you need to do
My card is lost or stolen We will send you a letter with a new Visa Debit card Activate your new card with your 4-digit PIN
Someone has found out my PIN and my card is lost or stolen We will send you a letter with a new Visa Debit card. Then, within 48 hours, we will send you a second letter with a new PIN. Activate your new card with your new PIN
If your card is about to expire, don’t worry

We automatically replace expiring cards, so you don’t need to do anything. You will receive your replacement card about 2 weeks before the end of the expiry month.

Your card will work for the entire month shown on the expiry date. So, for example, if the expiry date on your debit card is 07/22, it means the following

  • Your card will work for all of July 2022, including 31 July 2022.
  • Your card will stop working on 1 August 2022.
  • Your replacement card will arrive 2 weeks before the end of July 2022.
Damaged cards

If you order a replacement Visa Debit card, you can still use your old card until you receive and activate your new card.

When you get your new Visa Debit card, you should activate it immediately. You can activate it using the 4-digit PIN of your previous card.

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