Add accounts to view online

You can add and view several accounts online using the Bank of Ireland App or 365 online.

The account(s) you add must match the following details of the account(s) already on your 365 profile:

  • Your own name (can appear on a sole or joint account)
  • Your date of birth
  • Postal address
  • Account types must be ‘like for like’ when adding them to 365 online. For example, personal and personal or business and business accounts.

Please note

Personal and business accounts cannot share the same user ID. However, you can set up a user ID for these separately and manage transfers between eligible accounts by setting up payees.
  1. Log in to your account on the Bank of Ireland App.
  2. Tap 'Services' on the bottom menu.
  3. Select 'Add your Account or Policy'.
  4. Choose the type of account from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the account details and tap 'Continue'.
  6. Review the details and tap 'Confirm'.

Allow up to 5 working days to complete this request.

  1. Log in to your account on the 365 online.
  2. Click 'Services' on the top menu.
  3. Select 'Add your Account or Policy'.
  4. Choose the type of account from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the account details and click 'Continue'.
  6. Review the details and click 'Confirm'.

Allow up to 5 working days to complete this request.

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