Update contact number

The quickest way to update the number you wish to be contacted on is using the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online. You can also visit or send a written instruction to your branch

Please note

If you update your preferred contact number online this will also update your registered number used to receive activation codes.

To amend your number for correspondence please visit or send a letter to your branch to update your number.

  1. Log into the app then tap the Profile icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap 'Mobile number.' You will see the last 4 digits of any previously registered mobile number.
  3. Enter the mobile number you wish to register and re-enter to confirm. Select 'Continue.'
  4. Confirm the request first with 3 digits from your 365 PIN.
  5. Check number on screen
  6. To confirm swipe right on the authentication screen or tap 'Decline' to be brought back to the screen to amend the number.
  7. A message will appear advising that request was successful.
  1. Log into the upgraded 365 online then click the Profile icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Click 'Mobile number.' You will see the last 4 digits of any previously registered mobile number.
  3. Enter the mobile number you wish to register and re-enter to confirm. Select 'Continue.'
  4. Confirm the request first with 3 digits from your 365 PIN.
  5. Check number on screen
  6. To confirm swipe right on the authentication screen or tap 'Decline' to be brought back to the screen to amend the number.
  7. A message will appear advising that request was successful.

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