Change security device nickname

You can use the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online to give your security devices nicknames.
You can use these nicknames when managing your security devices online or when speaking to one of our advisors, should you need our help.

You can use the Bank of Ireland app to change the nickname of any of your security devices, including the device you are logged into.

  1. Log into the Bank of Ireland app
  2. Tap 'Profile' in the top right of the screen
  3. Tap 'My security devices'
  4. Select a device from the list to show more information for that device.
  5. Tap the edit icon (pen) next to device nickname
  6. Type a new nickname then tap 'continue'
    You will be returned to the device information screen to confirm that the nickname has been changed.

What nickname should I use?
That's up to you. It should be something that helps you identify a device when you manage your devices online, or when speaking to our advisors if you need our help.
'Work iPhone', 'Husband/wife phone', 'Family iPad'

You can use the 365 online to change the nickname of any of your security devices

  1. Log into
  2. Click 'Profile' in the top right of the screen
  3. Click 'My security devices'
  4. Select a device from the list to show more information for that device.
  5. Click the edit icon (pen) next to device nickname
  6. Type a new nickname then click 'continue'
    You will receive confirmation the nickname for your device has been updated.

What nickname should I use?
That's up to you. It should be something that helps you identify a device when you manage your devices online, or when speaking to our advisors if you need our help.
'Work iPhone', 'Husband/wife phone', 'Family iPad'

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