What’s the difference between Business Credit Card and Business Debit Card Holders for SCA?

Credit card holders can authorise their own transactions because business credit cards are linked to the cardholders own B365 profile. It is not linked to the B365 profile of the business.

  • For business debit cards, the B365 profile is linked to the business account, not the cardholder. There is only one B365 profile per business with only one authorised user. This means that one authorised user will have to approve the online transactions (when challenged) of all debit cards.

A business will only ever have one B365 profile with one authorised user (regardless of the number of current accounts or debit cards) and all business debit cards are linked to that single profile. One person, the authorised user, has access to the B365 profile of the business and only they can approve the transactions.

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