How to confirm refunds on debit card

Debit Card refunds will show on your account in the same way that the original payment was taken such as:

  • POSC01JAN Shop
  • POS01JAN Restaurant

The transaction will appear on your account as a credit rather than a debit for the original transaction.

  • The refund will appear on using the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online.
  • The refund will appear on your paper statement or eStatement.
  • Under new Visa regulations, in some cases a merchant may process a refund almost immediately. This transaction may appear as a credit on your account quicker than the current three to five days.

A refund is not showing on my account

If a retailer has confirmed you will receive a refund and it is within 5 days of the transaction taking place, you may not see a refund appear on your account as above. The retailer may choose instead to not complete the original transaction.

The transaction which was in progress will not move into your Completed Transactions.

  • The original transaction will disappear from the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online.
  • The original transaction will not appear on your paper statement or eStatements.

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