How long does the authorised user have to approve the transaction?

When a cardholder shops online and goes to complete their purchase, they will see a screen on the seller’s site that looks similar to this one. Once it appears, the authorised user has 45 seconds to approve the transaction. If using a PSK, the authorised user has 5 minutes from when the additional cardholder presses pay to approve the transaction.

We appreciate that this is a short time frame. If you are an additional business debit cardholder, we recommend that you let the authorised user know about the transaction in advance. That way they will know to expect a notification that their approval is needed when you are making the transaction. If the authorised user uses a Physical Security Key rather than the Bank of Ireland app to approve payments, you will need to be with them or in contact with them while you are making the payment, so that you can complete the steps to approve it together. More about approving payments using a PSK

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